Archived projects

These projects are presented for archival purposes only.


Randomize.qt is a patch for Max/MSP and Jitter. The patch is based on the ‘narrative_destroyer’ created by Kurt Ralske and HC Gilje during a workshop hosted by BEK in Bergen, Norway, in August 2000.

Changes compared to the original narative_destroyer:

Download: Original .sit archive / .zip archive

Requires Max/MSP and Jitter

JansZoon Koster

A set of abstractions for Max/MSP and nato.0+55 which enables smooth slowmotion through real-time interpolation.

Download: Original .sit archive / .zip archive

Requires nato.0+55 and therefor Mac OS 9.


Requires the janszoon abstractions (see above).

Much like 242.buffer, but with added functionality; The 242.fbuffer abstraction behaves like 242.buffer, but has 2 extra functions;

Download: Original .sit archive / .zip archive

Requires nato.0+55 and therefor Mac OS 9.