Archived projects
These projects are presented for archival purposes only.
Randomize.qt is a patch for Max/MSP and Jitter. The patch is based on the ‘narrative_destroyer’ created by Kurt Ralske and HC Gilje during a workshop hosted by BEK in Bergen, Norway, in August 2000.
Changes compared to the original narative_destroyer:
- uses jitter instead of nato.0+55
- modified and optimized randomization routine
- added in and out point selection for randomization in source movie
- added quicktime export routines
Download: Original .sit archive / .zip archive
Requires Max/MSP and Jitter
JansZoon Koster
A set of abstractions for Max/MSP and nato.0+55 which enables smooth slowmotion through real-time interpolation.
Download: Original .sit archive / .zip archive
Requires nato.0+55 and therefor Mac OS 9.
Requires the janszoon abstractions (see above).
Much like 242.buffer, but with added functionality; The 242.fbuffer abstraction behaves like 242.buffer, but has 2 extra functions;
read (int) (filepath)
works like the read message for
int – sets whether newly loaded film is appended to the buffer or replaces it 0 – the imported data is appended
( 242.buffer : n2inewimage err = -108 == Insufficient memory available )
1 – the buffer is cleared
optional filepath sets film to be loaded
int or floatfloat
outputs image at the frame number entered, and interpolates if and as needed Optional argument for 242.fbuffer makes the buffer remote accessible using faust
Download: Original .sit archive / .zip archive
Requires nato.0+55 and therefor Mac OS 9.